Monday, July 11, 2011 Mary, from Abbeville, Louisiana.

I was saved when I was 9 yrs old at a church camp in New Orleans. Since then I have walked that aisle many, many, times. Not until I attended a Word church did I seem to have some victory. However, I still hadn’t dealt with some issues from childhood and I let these issues control my life.

I was serving in the church walking around looking like everything was wonderful, but I was dying on the inside. I had a hard time accepting that God loved me as much as He does. I had a hard time believing anyone could love me. I have always felt like I wasn’t good enough or that I was unlovable. I had a lot of condemnation. About two years ago I had enough of ministry. I was sick of church as usual. We were serving in the ministry and I got sick of the people. So, I left church altogether.

I stayed out of church for two years. I became so miserable and full of fear. One day I couldn’t stop crying and I told my husband that I felt like I was gonna lose my mind. He called the Pastor who came and prayed for me. Things began to lift and I knew I needed to get back in church. I also knew I needed to quit my job. I was a corrections officer.

At the beginning of June the church gave my son and daughter in-law a baby shower. At the baby shower the Youth Pastor said he was taking the youth to Joplin. My ears perked up and I asked to go. My life will never be the same! God stirred up a fire down in my bones that I have never had! When I got out on the parking lot of Abundant Life Christian Center I could feel The Spirit of the Lord and all that they had going on was running like a well oiled machine. It was incredible! I knew I wanted to be a part of it. I called my husband and told him that I felt alive for the first time in years. I wanted to give back! I believe God has been preparing me all of my life for this. God put it on my heart to give back to the church and the pastors.

So, when I returned home I shared with our cell group what God was doing at ALCC and our Pastor said, "Let’s go back!" We put together a team of 15. Some we didn’t even know, and headed back to ALCC. God put the right people at the right time and the bathrooms were remodeled.

My husband and I are returning to ALCC again this week. We will keep coming till God says different.

I’ve been married for 21 yrs.

Bruce and Mary

We have a son and a daughter. We also have two grandkids. I love my kids so much!! And there is nothing they could say or do to change that... That is how God sees us. We are His children and He loves us that much!! And if you are in Christ there is now no condemnation. Romans 8:1. Glory!! So, I don’t let the enemy beat me up with that anymore.